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जब डच प्रमले पोखिएको कफी नेदरल्याण्डसका प्रधानमन्त्री मार्क रुटले आफैँ सफा गरे जुन दृश्य बिश्वभर भाइरल बन्दै (भिडियोसहित)

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Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte is in the news after he spilled coffee on the floor and cleaned it on his own, without waiting for the Parliament’s cleaning staff. The video of this incident was shared by a Dutch diplomat on Twitter in which the PM can be seen picking up a coffee cup that he had accidentally dropped on the Parliament floor.

The video has gone viral and is being shared on various social media platforms. Rutte not only picked up his coffee cup but also grabbed a mop and cleaned the floor with a big smile on his face as the staff cheered for their leader.

“Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte dropped his coffee cup today in Parliament, then cleaned up the mess himself under loud cheers of the Parliament’s cleaners,” the caption of the video read.