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गोरेलाई इन्काउण्टरबाट ढाल्न ठाँउ समेत तोकिएको रहेछ, सुन्नुस एसपी लोहनी र डीसपी केसी को फोन सम्बाद

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Now the gold smuggling case has turned its direction. There are many people who are connecting with this case mysteriously. Chudamani Upreti aka Gore, the alleged mastermind of smuggling 33 kg gold into Nepal, denied his involvement in the murder of Sanam Shakya, the alleged gold carrier who was electrocuted to death. Upreti told Morang District court on Thursday he had thrashed Shakya while searching the missing cache of gold. Upreti told Judge Narayan Prasad Sharma that he had only beaten Shakya, but had no role in his murder. Here’s telephone conversation of Senior Superintendent Of Police  Dibesh Lohani and Deputy Superintendent Of Police Prajit KC reveals.