
पथरी काण्ड:अन्तत बाहिरियो डरलाग्दो रिपोर्ट, कमलकि श्रीमतीले दिईन यस्तो बयान, को को जाने भए जेल ? (भिडियो सहित)

The situation has heated up in Pathari Sanischahre municipality in Morang as death of a married 29-year-old woman, Rina Basnet, is getting mysterious. Local people Tuesday had clashes with the police as they demonstrated a protest demanding the culprit(s) should be brought to justice.

Basnet was found dead in the road before her rented apartment at Sajha Line of Tribeni Chowk in Pathari Sanischare-1 on April 20. She had sustained head injuries. The police fired two rounds of teargas shells to disperse the mob as they were trying to vandalize and started hurling stones at the District Police Office, said Deputy Superintendent of Police Manoj Kumar KC.

An agitator—local resident Jit Bahadur Lawati—was hurt in the protest. The protesters chanted slogans against the local police, vandalized the entrance to the municipality office and padlocked it and the office of Pathari Chamber of Commerce and Industry. More Detail Please Watch Full Video :

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