Argentinian midfielder Javier Mascherano has completed 100 % of his passes so far, completing 21 more than the whole of the Iceland team.
Argentinian midfielder Javier Mascherano has completed 100 % of his passes so far, completing 21 more than the whole of the Iceland team.
काठमाडौं– नेपाल क्रिकेट संघ (क्यान) को आयोजनामा पहिलो पटक नेपाली
काठमाडौं– काठमाडौं महानगर प्रहरी बलले सडक पेटीमा फोहोर पानी फालेको
काठमाडौं– राष्ट्रिय स्वतन्त्र पार्टी (रास्वपा) का सभापति रवि लामिछानेको सांसद
अनामनगर 10, काठमाडौं
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